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Bespreking van Deel I in AQC, vol.90 (1977), 1978, p.260:
“Bro. Karl Frick, its autor, is a physician who specializes in pharmacology and its compilation occupied his leisure time for many tears…The autor reaches his main purpose, namely an examination of the theosophical-pansophical secret societies, which prolifirated in Germany and France after 1750.
Bro. Frick has provided an admirably concise guide to this labyrinth, which includes the Strict Observance, the Swedish system, the Order of the Gold- und Rosenkreuzer, the Asiatic Brethren and the French ‘high grade’ rites. Each main section includes a short bibliography and there is a good index.”

6141-181 E 13boekextern depotbeschikbaar
6141-281 E 14boekextern depotbeschikbaar