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Besproken in Thoth, juli (1983), no.2, p.47-48:
“De schrijver maakt de titel niet helemaal waar. De belangrijkste maçonnieke schandalen worden niet behandeld, en evenmin geschiedt de behandeling met de rigeur en de stijl van de historicus. Mellor ontpopt zich in dit, overigens zeer amusante, boek als een ‘raconteur’, een verteller die zijn dramatis personae sprekend laat optreden.”

Besproken in AQC, jrg. 98 (1985), 1986, p.213:
“As Bro. Batham says in his Foreword, ‘This is not a history of Freemasonry; it is not even an historical account of certain Masonic events, it is a collection of short stories that are the product of the author’s imagination though each one is founded on masonic fact.’ And the author himself in his Introduction, says ‘I have not written these pages as an historian but rather as a narrator, though with the scruple of never betraying history’.
One could induce interest in the book by devoting a few words to each story — there are ten of them — but it will suffice to name a few to convey their nature and variety, leaving the depth of all to be appreciated in the actual reading — ‘George Schrepfer: The Master Swindler’ (1774); The Grand Master Who Proved a Traitor’ (1793); ‘A Hoaxer of Genius: Leo Taxil’ (1890-7); and au courant and hence most interesting, ‘The Lodge P.2.’ (1981)…It will be read avidly by members of the Craft — and no doubt by many non-masons — into whose hands it may come, and once opened will be read from cover to cover. What a lovely Birthday or Christmas present it would make.”

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